Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day Of Shooting

The production phase has officially started. We rolled our first scene at 9:30 this morning. It was a courtyard scene that told the story of the rich man and his servants to whom he gave money. One doubled his masters money and so know the story. We then moved to an interior dungeon scene which was shot completely handheld. I was the spotter for the primary camera operator which was a fun and chalenging job. It involved steering him around or away from obstacles (the set, cables, etc.) and holding the camera between takes. It was cloudy today, but it was still very hot inside the dungeon. When you are using lights which have bulbs the size of volleyballs, things don't take long to heat up on interior shots. One of the lights here (a 12k) is four feet across, it can literally turn night into day. Anyway, after our dungeon shot, we moved to an exterior shot in a courtyard. The scene showed the release of the man who we filmed in the dungeon scene. It involved a Condor (A lift) shot, and a Steadicam shot (Which was pulled off by Andy.). It went very smoothly and we were able to take the Martini shot at 6:00.

Can any of you guess what "the Martini shot" is...take a guess and I'll tell you tomorrow.

I'm sorry about not posting pictures yet, but I have zero time during our work hours to take pictures. I'll try to take some and post them ASAP.


Drew said...

Martini shot would refer to wrapping up filming and heading out to the local lounge to taste the vino?
Sounds like you are fitting in really well and jumping in feet first.
Heather Reed

Kim Arnold said...

Sounds like a great day. Love you. Mom

Emily Thacker said...

I have no idea what "the Martini shot" is! I can't imagine a light bulb that big. Wow! Sounds like you're having a fun(and busy) time!

Chrissie H. said...

Hmm, could it have something to do with the sunset?? Or was it just a long day and someone took a picture of you all sitting around drinking.........iced tea?!?!?

Sounds like you're going to have a fun 3 months!


Alexandra said...

Martini Shot? Is that the shot they take of the crew at the end of the day:)JK
Love Ya