Saturday, August 22, 2009

Comments and More...

I apologize to anyone who tried to post comments. You should be able to now.

I just finished putting in two fourteen hour days and will be putting in another six hours tomorrow getting ready to start principal photography on Monday. Monday is when the shoot officially starts. Right now we're in pre-production. I've been running skidsteers, repairing water coolers (which are vital pieces of equipment on set since all water on the set has to be brought in), setting up craft services tents, and doing any number of small jobs for Andy (The producer), Matt (The client producer), Annette (Casting Director, Key Makeup Artist, Andy's wife, and the keeper of the checkbook), and just helping out wherever I can. I just found out today that we are allowed to take pictures of the set, equipment, etc. so I'll start taking pictures and try to post them when I'm not sleeping, or working. I've also started a Twitter account which I will be updating "Live" from the set. It is,


Matthew Arnold said...

You can comment now!

Mom Keena said...

Sounds like you're in for a good time, and they are in for a great cameraman! Enjoy this time of learning!

Kim Arnold said...

How far are you from a Cheesecake Factory? I love you!