Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Beginning of Week Two...

Everyone was a little sluggish today (three day weekends can do that to you) but we finished the day on time. We are now done shooting interior shots for several days. Tomorrow we are doing several shots at wells inside and outside the village, and Thursday we're doing some shooting on top of the city walls.

I'm still having a lot of fun and learning. On the last two shooting days I've gotten to do some focus pulling for some master shots, inserts, and reverse shots. Focus pulling means you are focusing the lens for the operator. On "real" film lenses like the one's we are using, there is no auto focus and the operator is to busy watching the composition of his shot to focus the lens himself, so the focus puller does it for him. So far I've done well and they haven't had to do extra takes because I broke focus.

Answers to last quiz questions: 1. A stinger is an extension cord. 2. A put-put is a generator.

New quiz questions: 1. What is a pancake? 2. What is a full apple?


Alexandra said...

Okay I know this sounds really sappy but... I'm so proud that they have so much confidence in you! I would not want the responsibility of pulling focus.
Love Ya!

Unknown said...

Your killing us with all these video terms Matt! It is an education though, I guess. I mean who knows...maybe someday I will want to be able to talk slang with a bunch of video bums! :o)

Are the Apple and pancake terms objects? or actions?

Am I allowed to ask questions?

Can I call a friend?

Will I win a million dollars if I get all of them right?

Glad you are enjoying yourself and learning much. Good work on keeping us updated!

Eli Delos said...

A pancake is something I eat for breakfast with syrup on top.
And a full apple is something I eat for an afternoon snack. :) hahaha


Chrissie H. said...

A pancake is the end result of a stunt man falling off a city wall!

spyder-slayer™ said...

Jack you can poll the audience, but I doubt you will get much help, 50/50 is out also...