Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week One Is Over...

Well the first week's in the can and we're still on schedule, ready to roll Tuesday. I've been having an amazing time, learning a lot, meeting and networking with great people, and getting to work with some pretty amazing equipment.

Quiz: 1. What is a Stinger?
2. What is a Put-Put?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dan and I spotting Paul and Amy (our two camera operators) on a two camera shot.
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Holding the camera.
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Me and Dan Zapata, another 1st AC. Part of your job as 1st AC is holding the camera for the operator between takes.
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Our Director...

Jim O'Keefe, our Director. If Jim's not happy, no one's happy.
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Another Picture...

The first order of business every morning is unloading the camera truck. You have to be very careful with the cases. Some of the cases contain over a quarter of a million dollars worth of equipment.
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Our DP...

Mike Peckham, our Director of Photography.
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Another Picture

I'm in the grey t-shirt in the center of the picture. I'm standing next to the camera cart...where all the action happens.
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A Picture Of The Set...

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Second Day, First Jib Shot...

Today was slightly more eventful than yesterday. The crew is starting to gel more everyday and things are going well. We shot four scenes today using mostly handheld and some shots on sticks, the Steadicam, and one jib shot (which I was able to pull off...more on that later). All of our scenes today were exterior and three of the four were dialogue. We were shooting in a open air market and so there were lots of extras and animals running all over the place. Thankfully everything went smoothly.'s the scoop on the shot I took. The Red Camera ( was set up on the end of the Jimmy Jib ( which was built out to twenty-four feet. The Director and DP (Director of Photography) couldn't agree on what angle they should use so the decided to do two takes, one the Director's way and one the DP's way. The shot ran something like this. First take: A high locked off shot, nothing interesting. Second take: The DP wanted a little more motion so I started out high with the actress staged under me. As she moved up the street, I boomed down to about eye level during their conversation. Toward the end of their conversation, she and another actress begin to move toward the camera and then run out of the frame, under the camera as I boom up. The shot was simple, but should cut nicely into the final sequence.

So there you have it. The second day of the shoot and my first shot. I am getting some pictures from a friend on set who has a camera, but until then, here are some pics that dad took on his phone.

Me, resting the camera.
As 1st/2nd AC part of my job it to take the camera from the operator at the end of each take to allow them to rest and focus on the next take or shot.

We had two camels, two donkeys, four sheep, five goats, and three pigeons on the set today.

Today's quiz: 1. What are sticks? 2. What is a Put-Put?

Yesterday's answer: The Martini shot is the last shot of the day. We were thinking of calling it the grape juice shot since this is a Christian film, but that didn't fly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day Of Shooting

The production phase has officially started. We rolled our first scene at 9:30 this morning. It was a courtyard scene that told the story of the rich man and his servants to whom he gave money. One doubled his masters money and so know the story. We then moved to an interior dungeon scene which was shot completely handheld. I was the spotter for the primary camera operator which was a fun and chalenging job. It involved steering him around or away from obstacles (the set, cables, etc.) and holding the camera between takes. It was cloudy today, but it was still very hot inside the dungeon. When you are using lights which have bulbs the size of volleyballs, things don't take long to heat up on interior shots. One of the lights here (a 12k) is four feet across, it can literally turn night into day. Anyway, after our dungeon shot, we moved to an exterior shot in a courtyard. The scene showed the release of the man who we filmed in the dungeon scene. It involved a Condor (A lift) shot, and a Steadicam shot (Which was pulled off by Andy.). It went very smoothly and we were able to take the Martini shot at 6:00.

Can any of you guess what "the Martini shot" is...take a guess and I'll tell you tomorrow.

I'm sorry about not posting pictures yet, but I have zero time during our work hours to take pictures. I'll try to take some and post them ASAP.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shooting Starts Tomorrow

Ok...pre-production is officially over and we start shooting tomorrow. I am leaving our appartment at five o'clock tomorrow morning for the set. My official title is Steadicam/Jimmy Jib intern and Camera Assistant.

I have some pictures, but my camera is on set. Dad took a picture on his phone of a portion of the set we're not using, but it's still pretty cool.

The set covers over six acres, but we are only using 1-2 acres.

Be sure to follow my Twitter page. I'm tweeting from the set.

If you have any questions be sure to post a comment.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Comments and More...

I apologize to anyone who tried to post comments. You should be able to now.

I just finished putting in two fourteen hour days and will be putting in another six hours tomorrow getting ready to start principal photography on Monday. Monday is when the shoot officially starts. Right now we're in pre-production. I've been running skidsteers, repairing water coolers (which are vital pieces of equipment on set since all water on the set has to be brought in), setting up craft services tents, and doing any number of small jobs for Andy (The producer), Matt (The client producer), Annette (Casting Director, Key Makeup Artist, Andy's wife, and the keeper of the checkbook), and just helping out wherever I can. I just found out today that we are allowed to take pictures of the set, equipment, etc. so I'll start taking pictures and try to post them when I'm not sleeping, or working. I've also started a Twitter account which I will be updating "Live" from the set. It is,

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Bear Has Landed

Last night we rolled into Shreveport at 11:00 p.m. and arrived at the the condo where I will be spending the next seven weeks. I'm headed to the set with some of the crew around 10:00 a.m. this morning.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Stay Tuned!!